How To Beat Negative Self Talk

Wendy Frias

3/7/20241 min read

woman wearing grey shirt near pink petaled flowers during daytime
woman wearing grey shirt near pink petaled flowers during daytime

Do you find yourself navigating through the day with a constant internal script running in your mind? It may sound peculiar, but we all engage in this internal dialogue. The crucial question is: Is your self-talk leaning towards the positive or the negative spectrum?

Pause for a moment and tune in to the script racing through your mind. Is it uplifting and focused, or does it tend to lean towards anxiety and worry?

Many of us continue with this internal dialogue for extended periods, often without realizing the impact of our negative self-talk on our well-being.

Reflecting on Your Thoughts:

Take a few moments during the day to observe your thoughts without judgment. Don't analyze or criticize; just observe. Consider the origin of these thoughts after a few moments, minutes, or hours.

Are your thoughts predominantly negative or positive? Do you find yourself fixated on events from the past? Assess how productive these thoughts are for your overall well-being.

Thinking through these aspects can help you understand the influence of your thoughts on your mind and quality of life.

The Mind-Body Connection:

Recognize that negative self-talk isn't just a mental gameโ€”it can affect your physical health and self-esteem. Negative emotions trigger a chain reaction in our bodies, leading to increased cortisol levels.

Dealing with Swirling Negative Thoughts:

Here are a few practical tips:

  1. Train Your Brain: Re-train your brain away from negative thoughts. When your mind leans towards worst-case scenarios, deliberately imagine the opposite.

  2. Reality Check Your Thoughts: Challenge unrealistic thoughts. Often, fears are based on scenarios that have a minimal chance of happening.

  3. Create a Gratitude Journal: Break free from the monotony by focusing on everyday miracles. Documenting what you're thankful for daily or using a gratitude jar can shift your focus to the positive.

  4. Seek Support: If negative thoughts become overwhelming, consider seeking talk therapy. A professional can help you navigate past traumas and enhance your mental health.

Remember, progress takes time. Be kind and patient with yourself on this journey toward a more positive mindset! ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒˆ